was hunting for a chair for my vanity table. i've seen blogger fixing up chairs with new paint, fabric and foam. i’m having lots of fun reading up blogs about DIY projects. trash indeed turns into treasures with some “magic touch.” i’m not a crafty person and certainly can’t sew at all. once i tried to sew a loose button for the mr but ended up poking my fingers several times. the mr sew it himself after seeing those red stains on his pants :P i’m happy to find out sewing is NOT required to reupholster a chair. all i need is a staple gun which i found from one of the estate sales for $4.
picked up this chair from goodwill for $6. it has all the curvy details that i’m looking for. the cushion is stained and dirty, but it will be replaced. I had trouble fitting this chair in my coupe. with a few adjustments, it finally fits in the passenger seat. lol…..i wasn’t planning on hauling furniture when i bought the car. i envy all of you with SUV and trucks.
made a trip to hobby lobby for my supplies. was lucky that they were having sale on fabric and foam. but, i got the wrong size for the foam. mental note…..measure before heading out to the store. no one tells me hobby lobby closes on sunday. blah…..the project was delayed by another week and i’m stuck sitting on a hard wood chair for another week.
finally, after a few coats of krylon white spray paint, tug&pull, stapling and screwing……DONE! (please ignore the messiness).
i have lots of extra fabric. maybe i’ll use it for lamp shade? wall art? it’s going into my drawers for now :p happy tuesday!

Yay, I can comment now! :D Girl, you are a creative genius with your DIY projects!
Very nice job. It is gorgeous and love the fabric you chose.
Our journey has begun!... secretly though =)
If I’ve left you this message, you’re a follower of my original blog. Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post now up. I’d love for you to stop by. Exciting things going on around here!
~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama
omg so talenTED!!! how come the cushion can come off? how to pin it down again? hammer? so genius!
wah i see u have a list of DIY stuffs on your sidebar, cross out any yet? ^^
xoxo elle
yea....i crossed out half of them already. but the list is going to get longer.
the cushion's fabric is stapled down. i just take them out with a screwdriver and stapled back with the new fabric :) pretty easy!
cute chair! love the fabric1 thanks for visiting me a t cottage romance today and commenting on my foot board project! i really love to get comments and find other cottagey friends like you!
Great find and great fabric! Thanks so much for linking up to style feature saturday!! -shaunna :)
That is great fabric and so far as I can see you did an amazing job recovering that lovely little chair! Good for you on a job well done!
Hugs, Cindy S
haha never knew my sis has such talent keke
yeah i think the extra fabric do well for lamp shade or pillow case :D
lolx red stain on the MR stuff *horrid kekeke
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